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To Order, Dial (434) 220-4813

Remember, in addition to selling rights to any of his art, Boris can prepare custom art to your specifications.

The first step in ordering is to negotiate the usage fee. For the fastest response, you should call or fax Boris Starosta in the U.S. at (434) 220-4813. You can also make contact through the mail form. Be ready to describe expected usage of the image - the type and circulation of publication, size and placement of the image, time period, distribution.

After an agreement is negotiated, you will be sent the image with a contract and invoice. Generally the images are delivered in an electronic format that you specify. This can be accomplished electronically via modem/dsl, floppy diskette, recordable CD-ROM, or other media. Turnaround for delivery via modem can be within an hour. Sending a floppy or CD means an overnight delivery. You may request a print or transparency, but filling such an order takes two additional days and results in slightly higher charges.

For payment in the U.S. we can receive check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank, or wire transfer. The European office can receive Eurocheque or wire transfer.

Typical Fees

Stock art sales are different from clip art sales in that the fees charged vary with usage. This art can be sold for use in advertising (billboards, newspapers, television), corporate publications (annual reports, brochures, trade show materials), packaging, editorial publications (magazines, books, newspapers), electronic media of all sorts, produced objects (credit cards, coffee mugs, posters, postcards)... Thousands of different usages exist, each with a unique value, and each commanding a unique fee.

Thus it is not possible to publish a price list. However, some typical usage fees are listed below.


Annual report, one time cover art, circulation 500,000, fee=$2000

Popular textbook, one time cover art, circulation 20,000 in U.S., fee=$1000

Package (like a CD), under 20,000 units, fee=$1000 per year in production

Trade show poster, 30x40 inches, fee=$500 per week diplayed

Web home page, 100 pixels square, fee=$250 per six months displayed

Even within these examples there exists the possibility for variations in fees.

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Unless otherwise noted, all contents of this page, individual or
aggregate, are copyright 1996 Boris Starosta.  All rights reserved.

Bryce is a trademark of MetaTools, Inc.
Macintosh (Mac) is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.

All other product names mentioned in these pages are used
for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks or
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