General Information Sites / Link Sites / Stereoscopic Societies
Dan Shelley's page. The mother of all link sites! Lots of links and content. Galleries for the APEC stereocard exchange group. Very well organized. This is the site that started it all for me.Photo-3D. Excellent and well populated discussion list on all topics stereoscopic.
Kiewa Valley Club. Very nice informative site. Beautiful pictures of classic stereo cameras.
3-D Yellow Pages. Lists many resources on and off the web. Very comprehensive.
3-D Stereo Web Ring. Links to many stereo sites.
3-D Web. Lots of links and content. Lots of links and content. I discovered the most excellent 3D Magazin here (now defunct, alas).
Photographic Society of America. Promotes photographic arts. Stereo division recognizes international exhibitions and salons.
National Stereoscopic Association. Organization of stereo collectors and afficionados. Membership is international.
Stereoscopic Society of America. Organization of active stereo photographers. Organizes folios in several formats.
International Stereoscopic Union. International organization of stereo collectors and afficionados.
Personal Sites / Artists / Image Content
3d Newfoundland. Chuck Holzner's wonderful book of modern stereoviews (Holmes format) of Craig Goldwyn surveys and introduces currently working art stereographers in this nicely designed site.
3D Zone. Ray Zone's site dedicated to his passion and work: anaglyph stereo and commercial stereo conversions.
Larry Berlin's Webzine. Lots of links and content. The work of several interesting artists is presented.
Alchemy - 3D Video Art. Al Razutis presents his award winning field sequential art videos. His Alchemy web pages illuminate an interesting artistic philosophy.
Kouno's page. A great little intro that shows you how to start taking stereo pictures for about ten dollars. This is how I started...
Burning Man 3D. Harold Baize's site focussing on the annual Burning Man festival. Strange, pagan, bizzare, interesting, fun.
Bruns Web Cam. Stereo Web Cam. "Live" stereo image presented as anaglyph. Kinda funny.
Richard Schubert shows you how to do macro stereo imaging using your flatbed scanner. Very good stereo pair images on the site. What a surprise to see what can be done with a simple scanner!
3D Expo Gallery. VRex site features jps format images for users of LCS shutter glasses and the Depthcharge plugin for Windows O.S. users. Many artists are represented, including yours truly. Includes a nice overview of the many different methods for presenting stereo images: freeviewing, anaglyphs, frame sequential and interlaced video, etc. VRex manufactures LCS shutter glasses and related stereoscopic video systems. Four top stereo photographers populate this site with fine art nudes and erotica. This is the world's finest 3d nudes site.
3-D Beauty. My earlier site of three dimensional nudes. Sells stereo slides.
Ray Hannisian's page. Nicely designed site with interesting stereo content. Ray produces stereoscopic travelogues on field sequential video and other 3-D media.
Holographics. John Toeppen sells a CD-ROM with hundreds of beautiful stereo images.
Hipparcos Astrometry Data. Neat anaglyphic images showing relative depth of nearby star fields.
Stereoscopic Animated Hypercube. The Link title about says it all. Very interesting interactive Java applet.
Three Worlds. A fabulous stereo conversion of the famous Escher lithograph.
Robert Stein's Page. Fine CG stereoscopic work, including a wild piece derived from Escher's High and Low.
Tony Alderson's site. showing his amazing work with commercial CG and 3-d projects.
XYZ Gallery. Nicely designed site showing examples of stereo photography done with an inexpensive beamsplitter attachment.
Equipment / Services
3D Concepts. Jon Golden offers highest quality imported stereoscopic mounting supplies, projectors, viewers, cameras. Also stereoscopic consulting.3D Hardcopy. Lenticulars from your digital files. Relatively low-res, but cheap!
Berezin Stereo Photography site. Stereoscopic viewers and other products.
Cygnus Graphics. Small web page of limited utility. But their print catalog is extensive, products are excellent.
Greg Erker's MF page. Information related to medium format stereo photography equipment.
Mericphoto. Current selection of used 3-D cameras, some pictures of cameras and viewers.
NuVision 3d Spex. Manufacturer of LCS shutter glass systems.
NuView 3d Video Adapter. Allows most home camcorders to take stereoscopic video.
POKESCOPE. Monte Ramstad offers not only the neatest little pocketable stereo pair viewer (for stereocards or on-screen pairs of any size), but also PC software for the efficient processing of stereoscopic images, with output to several stereoscopic formats.
Rainbow Symphony. Supplier of anaglyph and other 3d glasses. They offer a free pair of glasses to individuals.
Reel 3-D. Site detailing many stereoscopic products for sale. Books, viewers, hobbyist and pro supplies.
Rocky Mountain Memories. Paul Talbot's site offering equipment, supplies, services, and images.
Sam Smith's Site. Hacker Sam's cameras have to be seen to be believed. Beautiful homemade medium format stereo cameras.
StereoJet / Slide Factory. Color vectograph type prints or transparencies from your digital files, viewed with standard cross-polarized glasses. Very high resolution images are possible. Costly.
Studio3D. Ron Labbe has put together a well organized stereo photography gallery, plus information on services offered: stereo slide duping, stereo videography, computer aided stereo 3-D conversion of 2-D originals, consulting.
Technology / Research / Theory
Holbrook paper. A site introducing the lay reader to the general advantages of stereoscopic display.Stereoscopy: Where Did It Come From? Where Will It Lead? by Harold A. Layer (originally published in: EXPOSURE: 17:3 Fall 1979, pages 34-48. ) Theoretical musings on the origins, aesthetic bases, and future of stereoscopic art forms.
HASD paper. Describes very promising autostereoscopic display technology. Instead of the lenticular/prismatic/barrier screen commonly used to separate the multiplexed left and right images, with this new monitor, the images are directed via rear projection onto a holographic screen. This makes for much higher resolution, plus easier real time control of image placement, with the possibility of realtime control over multiple viewing zones for multiple observers.
Stereoscopic 3D Virtual Reality Homepage. Christoph Bungert's review site. Complete market surveys of 3D-glasses, VR-helmets, and 3D-Software. Frequently updated information on computer and video stereoscopic products and market developments.
RealityVision Display. Autostereoscopic video monitor.
Dimension Technologies. Autostereoscopic video monitor.
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications. SPIE's annual conference of VR researchers, includes hefty dose of stereoscopy related papers. Proceedings are indispensable to see who's doing what, and how well it works.
Basic Technologies to Support The Broadcasting of The Future #2. On broadcasting stereoscopic content.
Stereo Vision by Coherence-Detection. Software and hardware under development by Rolf Henkel at the University of Bremen. The technology will generate intermediate images from a single stereo pair source. This could be of great value to stereoscopic HDTV, as only two image streams need be transmitted, even though the display (receiver) may need multiple images to generate a high quality three dimensional picture. The technology would allow the display to generate the necessary intermediate views on the fly.
Alioscopy. An interesting site describing single lens stereo video system.
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