Stereo imaging is without question the next great media revolution in waiting. Digital technology is now becoming available that will facilitate the distribution and display of stereoscopic image content to a mass audience. Not since the days of the Holmes stereoscope, in the late 19th century, has potential popular interest, market conditions, and technology been so favorably juxtaposed.
Have a look at these links to sites that describe the new wave in stereo capture and display technologies. Digital video disk (DVD), digital television (DTV), high definition television (HDTV), in combination with holographic autostereoscopic displays, VR twin screen goggles, and digital projection, will soon render regular flat imaging as passé as the tintype is today.
Stereoscopic techniques have almost unlimited application - just like regular photography. Their use is expanding in many fields: entertainment, marketing, education, industrial communications, and academia / scientific visualization.
Stereoscopic imaging successfully differentiates the product or message from a cacophony of competing media streams. As acceptance of 3-d broadens, the early adopters of the technology have the most to gain.
My biggest 3-d project to date involved stereoscopic work on the January 2000 issue of Overdrive magazine. Click here to visit the separate gallery that I have set up for this project.
With print projects, the slight increase in cost is offset by a publication or advertisement that immediately commands attention and interest. The images are more memorable, because they are studied by your audience. Moreover, the images get shown around, and ultimately may become a keepsake of your reader - especially if the reader is youthful. Your piece gets greater visibility and a longer functional life. These advantages accrue above and beyond the fact that your product may be more effectively imaged stereoscopically - such as is true for jewelry, glass or metallic products, food, beauty/glamour, sports, or complex industrial subjects.
In this gallery I present commercial stereo photographic work done on assignment and on speculation for my portfolio. Unlike the work in the portraits gallery, here I have used a broader range of technique: ranging from the mild hyperstereo of Construction 2 to the near macro / hypostereo shots of the Derringer.
If you have been contemplating a project involving stereoscopic imaging, please consider utilizing my broad based experience in this and other fields, and make contact through the mail form.
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Unless otherwise noted, all contents of this page, individual or aggregate, are copyright 1999 Boris Starosta. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws, and is destructive of free enterprise, creative expression, and the human spirit. All other product names mentioned in these pages are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, and the exclusive property of their respective owners