Except the title slide, all the nudes in this gallery are the result of stereo photography only - no computer manipulation. I use a twin rig Pentax K1000 with matched 50mm f2 lenses. More info on the gear here.
Click here for information on the 3d CD-ROM available.
|- H o m e - |- P o r t r a i t s -|- T E C H N O B O T -|- C O M W O R K -|
Unless otherwise noted, all contents of this page, individual or aggregate, are copyright 1999 Boris Starosta. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws, and is destructive of free enterprise, creative expression, and the human spirit. All images in this gallery were created after July 3, 1995. They comply with title 18 USC 2257 and associated regulations. Required records are kept by B. Starosta at 802 Rockland Avenue, Charlottesville, Virginia 22902. Owner forbids unauthorized duplication or distribution of this image. Owner specifically forbids selling or reselling of this copyrighted image to minors, where images of this type are contrary to applicable laws or regulations, or where it might be offensive to local community standards. The model(s) was (were) at least 18 years of age when photographed. All other product names mentioned in these pages are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, and the exclusive property of their respective owners.![]()