Images available for sale
Click here to see what I have at auction on eBay.I appreciate your interest in my artwork. I use, plus my private e-mailing list, to sell my art as it is produced. Please do send mail, if you are interested - make contact through the mail form. I produce and sell my art in several formats, detailed below. Occasionally, I sell older stock at auction, and sometimes I sell original transparencies in 35mm or 6x6 format or original polaroids - these are obviously the most valuable.
Stereocards (Holmes format stereoviews)
Stereo cards are more valuable to collectors and are made of the best images as my time permits. These are then offered via online auction, with announcements going out on my e-mail list, or through a subscription service. Some of my cards are sized Cabinet (4" tall), Deluxe (4.5" tall), and Imperial (5" tall). If you are interested in subscribing but the larger sizes are a problem, please let me know.Stereo card images are printed from the original transparency on Fuji Crystal Archive paper for maximum permanence. The process is through the new Fuji Frontier machine, which, although digital, makes a fantastic image. For those of you who are familiar with my duplicate slide sets of years past, note that the prints from the Frontier machine carry more original detail and resolution than the slide dupes! The cards are hand made with permanent acid-free adhesive and 4 ply museum board. Each card comes individually signed.
If you do not have a stereoscope, cards can be viewed with stereoscopes or lorgnettes available for as little as four dollars. The ideal 3d viewer for an Imperial size card is Alan Lewis's Achromatic Lorgnette II. Touch here for information on his lorgnettes. I do sell a plastic lorgnette ($2) suitable for the first-time buyer.
Anaglyph prints
Anaglyph prints are a newer and more sophisticated medium. My specialty is in anaglyphs, and you can be sure your print will be unique among works of contemporary art. I describe my philosophy with respect to the anaglyph medium in my anaglyph gallery (click here). I prepare the prints from specially suited images as my time permits. These are then offered via online auction, with announcements going out on my e-mail list, or again through a subscription service.The anaglyph images are printed with an Epson 1270 inkjet printer onto the Epson Matte Paper Heavy Weight using Epson's 1270 "lightfast" inkset. Advertised display longevity using these materials is up to 26 years. (Epson recommends mounting the print under glass to get the maximum longevity for display. Longevity in storage, such as in the archival sleeve I've supplied, would be even longer, possibly indefinite.) Each print is individually signed, and comes supplied with a paperboard anaglyph viewer.
For the anaglyph connoisseur, I offer two robust plastic anaglyph glasses that give a very fine view. The E-3d glasses ($7) with slight diopter are fantastic for persons tending towards farsightedness. They also have excellent color qualities. Then the ProView glasses ($5) are great for the nearsighted persons.
There are three subscriptions available - images sent out approximately monthly:1. Nude/erotic Stereocards (Holmes format)
2. Nude/erotic Anaglyph Prints (8x10inches)
3. Creative and/or Computer images (you receive Stereocards and/or Anaglyph - depends on the image)
Just send me your address, and indicate which subscription(s) interest you. After you join a subscription, I will send you your first image. If you like it, you keep it and post a U.S.$24 payment to me. You may pay with check, money order, or cash.
If I receive payment from you, I will assume that you will want the next image, to follow about a month later. If you do not want the next image, just please let me know. I do love feedback.
If you do not like the image you received, just send it back without payment. But in that case, please let me know if you want to continue the subscription or not.
At any time you may subscribe to receive the next 12 images by paying $240 in advance. Then you will receive the next 12 cards with no further obligation. For such "annual" subscribers, the return option remains - you will receive 12 images that you LIKE!
For the nude/erotic subscription I will need you to mail me a signed, written statement, that you are over the age of 18 years.
3d Slide Sets
Members on my e-mailing list will occasionally receive offers of the newest work in stereo slide format. These offers go out when a slide set is first produced; then the stereo slide dupes are made in an appropriate quantity and shipped to the buyers. These sets of ten stereo slides are the most economical way to aquire my images - they are full frame 35mm 2x2x2 format slides; exhibition quality first generation duplicates. For the first time buyer, I offer a simple full frame 35mm stereo slide viewer ($10).
To order any of the items, please make contact through the mail form. Thank you again for your interest and for your support,
|- H o m e - |- P o r t r a i t s -|- T E C H N O B O T -|- C O M W O R K -|
Unless otherwise noted, all contents of this page, individual or aggregate, are copyright 1999 Boris Starosta. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws, and is destructive of free enterprise, creative expression, and the human spirit. All other product names mentioned in these pages are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, and the exclusive property of their respective owners.