Tower Plane. Corporate architecture frames this unusual perspective of a jetliner navigating a digital sky. Would the plane crash into one of the buildings if the computers suddenly went south?
(This caption was written in 1999.The artwork originated in about 1995, with a stereoscopic version following in 1998. In the aftermath of the horrors visited upon the World Trade Center, I wondered if I should remove this image from my site, or at least revise the caption. I don't believe in historical revisionism. I do not want the history of this page removed or revised any more than I would want the attacks on the people of New York (and against humanity) to be forgotten.
Except for this: Tower Plane stands for and visualizes the fruits of liberty and free markets, embodied materially and symbolically in the great constructions of modern western society: the airplane, the skyscraper, and the digital computer. With my deepest respects, and with humility, I dedicate this page to the memory of those who were hurt and killed September 11, 2001, and to the memory of a free and innocent society.
|- H o m e -|- P o r t r a i t s -|- T E C H N O B O T -|- C O M W O R K -|
Unless otherwise noted, all contents of this page, individual or aggregate, are copyright 1999 Boris Starosta. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of applicable laws, and is destructive of free enterprise, creative expression, and the human spirit. All other product names mentioned in these pages are used for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies, and the exclusive property of their respective owners.